The Flying Penguin 0.2 Released
After months of extensive work including a few rewrites for large portions of the code, I am proud to announce that The Flying Penguin 0.2 is ready. All the promised features such as audio, cartoon-ish artwork, high-scores and obstructions (birds) are in. At this point I would like to give thanks to the community for helping me out with the audio side of the game.
Unfortunately, resizeable screens have been disabled because the code to save window states is rather unwieldy, especially when handling maximised windows. If you do need to change the screen size you can always edit the save file with a text editor.
I had at one point received a question about porting it to mobile devices such as iOS and Android. My answer is no, simply because I own neither of those phones, nor have any intention in buying them. Furthermore, there are aspects in the code such as the extensive use of STL containers and SFML that makes it unsuitable for mobile devices, requiring a major code rewrite.
To download, visit the project page.